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About Us


South & East Asia Foundation Starts its journey in 2016 with the vision of contributing in the transformation of India by a new engagement with the international Forum, Economic Order and Diplomatic Challenges. South & East Asia Foundation is independent forum that critically examine the problem faced by the country and try to develop a coherent policy responses. SEAF serve as a platform to bring together the leading Indian economists and policymakers to present the agenda of India’s overall reforms on International issues.

For First time, SEAF successfully hosted the ‘Summit on India & BRICS’ in 2016 which was Chaired By, Secretary MEA. Sh.Amar Sinha, India’s renowned Economist & Policy Analyst & Thinker Sh. Gopal Krishna Agrawal & other key personalities

Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

South & East Asia Foundation - The Beginning
SEAF began its journey in 2016 at the juncture of ideation tempered by pragmatism. During the period of India’s transition to a new engagement with the South Eastern countries economic order, several challenges emerged, evoking a need for an independent forum that could critically examine the problems facing the country and help develop coherent policy responses. SEAF was thus formed, and brought together, for the first time, leading Indian economists and policymakers to present the agenda for India’s economic reforms Through Seminars like BRICS , India-Tibet Summit & others

On 20th May 2017, the South & East Asia Foundation successfully hosted the First Indo –Tibet Summit in the capital of India - New Delhi. The Summit aims to remind the world about the beautiful Land of Tibet, its people, rich culture and traditions. It also plans to bring into light the plight of the Tibetans who suffered under the Chinese rule for decades and more than six decades in exile now. The country with its people, religion and culture is trying to stand strong against all odds to fight for their Freedom both in Tibet and in Exile. Thus, we as a World citizen should speak up for the Human Rights violations in Tibet and support the Tibetans demand for Justice and Peace in Tibet. For the humanity sake, we cannot turn a blind eye to this burning issues and problems. With the background, the summit was organized to identify each other’s plights and strengthening the bond between India and Tibet. An event also aims to promote in-depth study of a very sensitive issue and its impact on India.

Frequently Asked Questions

How old is South & East Asia Foundation?

What is the scenario in India, presently?

India has about 11 million children living on the streets and 14 million children working as labours. Only 60% of children have access to education despite having a national policy on compulsory elementary education. The time to take collective as well as individual responsibility to remedy the current situation is here. Right now!

Will I be updated on how the funds are utilised?

We will be happy to keep you informed through email updates and e-newsletters through the year on how the funds are utilised.

What is an NGO?

Voluntary organizations (VOs) / Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) include organizations engaged in public service, based on ethical, cultural, social, economic, political, religious, spiritual, philanthropic or scientific & technological considerations. VOs include formal as well as informal groups such as: community-based organizations (CBOs); non-governmental development organizations (NGDOs); charitable organizations; support organizations; networks or federations of such organizations; as well as professional membership associations.

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